Pantone Green / Athens

Materials ice, tiles, terracotta clay, printed pictures of plans, leaves, glass soap walls, blocks of wood, buckets with water, lemons, pencils, herb plants and flowers
Languages: French, Greek, Arabic and Albanian, English, Farsi


Pantone Green is an action that is performed by a group of people and is taking place in editions. An invitation to complete a possible script/score/invitation of inhabiting a given space. The outcome could vary, according to the decisions of the participants and their intentions as well as from the local materials.
Participating myself in the new conditions that the dynamic of the group will create, exploring from a new perspective the possible outcome of the script/score/invitation.

Pantone green and a glass of lemonade is the second edition of the Pantone Green in collaboration with Jessica Dunleavy supported by Snehta Residency and funded by British Council EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture)

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